Our Services


We Offer Following Services

Do Live Video Chat with Astrologer Praveen Dighe


Speak Live

No waiting, No worries.
You Speak Directly with Astrologer Praveen Dighe
He takes your details over the phone, analyses them and gives solution immediately

It is better to get guidance and make decision instantly to resolve your problems quickly. You speak directly with Astrologer Praveen Dighe

Privacy Guaranteed / Your Privacy is Our Utmost Priority


You speak as per your convenience
You get expert guidance as and when required at the comfort of your own home or office

Simply provide your Name, Date and Time of Birth and fix an appointment (Please check if time slot available)

One question- 10 minutes- Rs 1200/-
Two Questions- 15 minutes- Rs 2200/-
Detailed Session- 30 minutes- Rs 3000/-

Get your Name Correction done personally by Astrologer Praveen Dighe

Speak Live


No waiting,No Worries
You Speak Directly to Astrologer Praveen Dighe
Who get details ,analyse and Answer -Immediately

It is better to get guidance and make decision instantly on your problems instantly You speak directly to Astrologer Praveen Dighe

Privacy Guaranteed

You speak at your convenience, comfort
You can take advice, guidance as an when require

Please provide Your Name, Date of Birth, Time of birth and fix your appointment (Please check Time slot available)

One question- 10 minutes- Rs 1200/-
Two Questions- 15 minutes- Rs 2200/-
Detailed Session- 30 minutes- Rs 3000/-

Get your Prediction report via E-mail

Report personally prepared and sent by Astrologer Praveen Dighe

Select from Following topics

Marriage guidance- Rs 1500/-
Relationship Guidance- Rs 2500/-
Finance Guidance for one year- Rs 1500/-
Five years- Rs 2700/- 
Ten Years- Rs 4500/-


This is not a computerized report but a personal analysis report prepared by Astrologer Praveen Dighe

Call our phone numbers and fix an appointment to meet Astrologer Praveen Dighe personally

One question- Duration- 20 minutes – Rs. 1100/-

Two questions – Duration – 30 minutes- Rs. 2100/-

Full Session- 45 minutes – Rs. 3000/- (Prediction, Counseling, Guidance and Remedies)

Get your detailed horoscope online

Online Horoscope- Rs 300/-

Ready to get started

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Book appointment

Financial Guidance


As per my study of astrology, counseling experience and general observation I have found that financial problems are usually concerned with males.

Despite all the financial resources being available and know how to manage funds, a lot of insecurity is exhibited by males.

People still need astrological guidance and proper direction to fix the finances in their lives.

Following are some of the questions that are frequently asked by any person.

When will I get money in my life?

I have a lot of property and material wealth but there is no consistency in regular earnings to lead a happy life.

I earn a lot but there are no savings.

Can you please advise when will I see my finances rising?

How do I plan to build my assets and property? How do I save adequately and move towards wealth creation (property building)?

Will I ever be rich in my life and when will that be? At what age will I earn enough money?

How do I manage my money and make it grow gradually?

Do I look for a job or start my own business? What will bring good returns to me?

We answer all the above questions to your utmost satisfaction. We provide quick-fixes to free you from your problems and give a pro-active sustainable long term solution as well. All this done by various ways like Live astrology video counseling, online chat, email, phone counseling and of course, not to forget, personal meeting with Praveen Dighe by fixing an appointment. We guarantee speedy and honest solution by any means of communication.


Know Your Lucky Gemstone


A GEM can change your life

A gemstone is usually worn to attain prosperity, growth in career, success in education and job, amassing wealth in business etc. People use it to bring marital bliss in their lives or to resolve a specific problem. Whatever the purpose, the gemstone can help you to a great extent if and only if worn according to planetary alignment in your horoscope.

I want to make it crystal clear that one should never wear a gemstone merely on the basis of Sun sign, Moon sign or Ascendant. Such a gem stone can bring a lot of harm than do any good. A gemstone will bestow astounding benefits if worn with proper consultation and guidance. Else it may be the cause of accidents (you or your near and dear ones), loss in business, death of someone in family, loss of wealth, lack of peace and concentration, health problems, downfall in life and ill-fame in society.

Nowadays many Jewelers suggest gemstones to their clients which is absolutely foolish! It is hilarious and indeed alarming that they have not studied astrology yet they advise their Clients to wear gemstones based on their Sun signs or Moon Signs.

A Jeweler does not have even a basic idea about Astrology but often offers free and vague advice to his Clients to make his own profit by luring them to buy the gemstone. People end up buying the gem thinking that it will benefit them and make their lives better. However there is only hidden agenda of the Jeweler but no genuine intention to actually help his Clients. He doesn’t really care about the ill-effects if any may occur in the Clients life. All he wants is to sell the gemstone, for his own profit, which he does at the cost of your ignorance.

Suggesting a gemstone to a Client for Lagna Lord, 5th Lord, 9th Lord and 10th Lord is a very common practice among astrologers. Many astrologers do not hesitate in recommending a gemstone for Neech or debilitated planet in horoscope. Unfortunately these gemstones will not help you unless Lord of these houses are well placed in your horoscope or in a favorable position to bestow any benefit.

I am committed to provide you the best astrological guidance based on my study of astrology, counseling experience over the years, clear perception of Truth and its practical application in day to day life. I suggest gemstones that can bring significant and apparent changes in your life. The effects are visible from few days to few months.

First I deeply analyze your birth chart and divisional charts and correlate the planetary position to your ongoing and upcoming Doshas in order to recommend a lucky gemstone for you.

Gemstone consultancy 800 INR/Rs.


Relationship Analysis


I have observed keenly that relationship is an aspect where usually females need advice, counseling and proper guidance.

Relationships are of various nature i.e. physical, spiritual, emotional, psychological, Aatmic (Soul),sexual, financial etc. There has to be harmony amongst these to make your life complete. There are deep rooted desires in these relations that give them a meaning and define your life.

Couples outwardly appear to be very happy in their married life however when probed they reveal a lot of aspects that need immediate attention and solution. It may seem there is cordiality in their relationship but their inner lives are filled with misery and suffering. They may have all the material possessions that one may envy yet there is no contentment, peace of mind and satisfaction. I have seen many people who are highly qualified, intelligent and from well to do family yet they lack advice, support and guidance.

You will be amazed to know that many leading astrologers and especially Celebrity Astrologers themselves have severe relationship issues in their own lives yet they are trying to fix someone else’s life problems! Strange but True. Believe me it’s a harsh fact that people do not know.

Please consult your astrologer (your friend in need) – A friend in need is a friend indeed, remember the old saying.

The wait is over! Now is the right time to place your faith and readily fix an appointment through online video counseling, Live Chat, Phone Counseling, email or meet personally. You can rest assured that you are in the capable hands of a very renowned astrologer cum friend who will maintain Complete Confidentiality and conduct in a professional manner.

Buy Now: Rs 3000 for 30 Minutes